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05/08/2019 - Summer holidays (10/08/2019 - 25/08/2019)
Gardella srl will be closed for holidays from 13/08/2018 to 24/08/2018.

13/11/2017 - Gardella srl new website
Gardella srl new website, completely restored, is now available online for all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to provide the user with a high level of experience. The Gardella Waterjet site…

13/11/2017 – Miniwaterjet
From the experience evolved since the last 15 years in thie field, Gardella srl has developed a new range of waterjet cutting systems with very small dimensions, easy to use…
Gardella srl
Since more than 80 years, our Company has been producing high precision technical components in super-hard materials such as synthetic sapphire/ruby, hard metals and fine ceramics for industrial applications.